Friday, January 21, 2011

Poptropica How To Get The Cat Outfit

At first it was a blanket then .... No

Circa 4 anni fa, in occasione della stupenda fiera di ottobre a Vicenza, la sottoscritta era incinta e, presa dalla smania di creare qualcosa per la sua pupetta, ha acquistato delle stupendissime (lo so che non si says! But you get the idea) fabrics to create what, in my opinion, was the best deck: Angels Among Us by Nancy Halvorsen ... As you can see is one of my favorite authors! Cut all central blocks, fusible paper began reporting on all the tiny bits ... finally made the first block! Wonderful! The Pupetta in the meantime from the belly where it remained silent in the warmth has gone to 'entertain' my days ... So the blanket project was shelved ... Since then, I find little time to devote to my passion, and then I did not want to proceed with an undertaking so large as to make a blanket of that caliber! Therefore the only e unico blocco ho creato un copricuscino!!!! Eccolo!

Ogni volta che lo guardo mi piange il cuore... le stoffe sono fantastiche e per fortuna non sono un bene deperibile!!! Le ho custodite gelosamente fino ad ora ma adesso basta!!! Le devo sfruttare per creare altrettante cose meravigliose!!!
Buona giornata care blogghine.


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