Showcase Misshobby - THE SEA In continuation of the Letter of psy "Christmas is already on Misshobby" to promote the site Misshobby,
Magicafrancy has decided to make one that fits all year: the window of Misshobby. In
banner on the side you will find the link to her blog with all the information to participate. Basically you have to insert the banner into your blog, publishing articles drawn from Misshobby that we like, putting on the link and advise applicants, weekly or at least when you can and can do more advertising!!
For this first week, I chose as its theme the sea! Looking out the window you are a sad ... thoughts fly right away to some place where you can relax and enjoy the warmth in the sun! Le Bahamas sarebbero l'ideale, ma, visto che siamo donne che si accontentano, anche qualche posticino qui in Italia ci potrebbe lo stesso andare bene. Pertanto vi consiglio:
1. La prima cosa che si prende per andare al mare è una borsa per metterci dentro l'asciugamano. Cosa ne dite di una in paglia? La trovo sempre di moda! Vi propongo questa di
Gaia con le applicazioni marine.
2. Sempre in stile marino, ci aggiungerei questi orecchini stella di mare di
Marta. Essenziali e semplici... come bisognerebbe essere al mare!
3. In stile anni '50 poi propongo il cappello di
Idee arte e fantasia per proteggersi dal sole ma non troppo!
4. To retrieve the bag of straw, a pair of slippers in the ratan
Multifaces design to protect our delicate feet from the sand caliente!
5. But when we take off the slippers one thing I really liked are the Barefoot Sandals of
Inkanto ... are just a delight! (Excuse the pun).
6. EHI but these are all accessories!?!? With what we cover the nakedness?? With the costume
7. We are ready to go! No, we do lying in the sun all day ????? We get bored?? Nooooo! We take our favorite book e. .. how do we keep the sign?? With the fantastic bookmark
The cat stars
8. And how to keep away the "flies" who want to attack by instituting a speech button on the book we are reading? The book cover of
Martita Catita style patch that, for someone like me, can not miss it!!
I would say that's all!
I leave you poke into all these shops, I invite you to join the initiative and visit, visit, visit, and maybe contact the Misshobby Misshobbine! They'll be pleased.