Hello to all you who are a bit absent from this blog but I have a lot of time and also because of the lack of internet in the office .... sgrunt !!!!!!!
raining outside and I will take forward work to natalwe that are not that many but I got put in time, at least for now.
It 's a week that I sent my swap to my Abina TEOS and has not yet had a trace of anything, there must also be said that the stakes are not what is happening there .... hopefully good reliability, is the My first swap and I would not go astray also because we would stay too bad .... On the contrary notwithstanding
update the blog of the trip, although very slowly, il counter non gira molto e mi piacerebbe che qualcuno andasse un po a leggere perchè a mio parere sono cose molto belle e si imparano tante cose nuove, quindi....andate numerosi!!!!!!!!
ci si sente alla prox, vado a fare un giro per i vostri bellissimi blog.
N.B.: il counter gira ben bene tra un po anche per me 100 visite,wow
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