Friday, December 19, 2008

How To Clean Building Sprinkler Head


Salve a tutte ,
finalmente sono tra voi dopo tanto....questa settimana è stata più incasinata delle scorse...e va bhe si sopravvive a tutto!!!!
Sono un pò di corsa ma voglio mostrarvi ciò che ho prodotto il week- end scorso.
Sono dei semplici medaglioni in plexiglas con applicata carta stile country che mi so9no stati commissionati dal mio fidanzato perv le sue colleghe le quali hanno apprezzato molto e ne vado fiera....
Ma ora vi mostro la foto che è molto meglio

un bacio a tutte


Friday, December 12, 2008

Pontoon Paddle Boat Plans


E' con la gioia nel cuore che annuncio che Fulvia ha ricevuto lo swap gattoso....che felicità, non ci speravo più!!!!
Ma veniamo a noi: questa busta cicciosa era già partita in ritardo e poi se vi racconto ciò che ha fatto Fulvia per andarlo a ritirare....che odissea, alle poste lo davano per perso ma lei non si gave up and won.
I'm really happy that she is like and thanks for the compliments and for the "proud," to find it, thank you, thank you, you're really sweet
I am very pleased that the frame is like, I'm a little bit of My workhorse, are good for all occasdioni and then make the environment so happy ....
But now the picture is better than many words.

slo I write on weekends (weather fugit) but lately I've been a bit absent haim '...
And last weekend I and my fidanzatoapproffittando the beautiful bridge we went a Siena per festeggiare i nostri 2 anni e quindi non ho potuto postare nulla di nuovo ma presto mi rifarò....

Baci a tutte


Monday, December 1, 2008

Tolani Scraves In New York


Salve a tutte...
finalmente vi mostro i frutti del week-end.
Iniziamo da Sabato: il mal tempo mi ha dato la carica giusta per produrre qualcosa di natalizio...una bellissima palla di vetro.

E' un po particolare, come notate dalla foto ci sono due tipi di craklè quello tra due colori e quello di finitura e per dare il tocco finale e fare risaltare le crepe ho usato the purple bronze is very native. It 's very nice to work it as hard work but the risk of glass that fell was so ...
Sunday continued bad weather and then my jobs have grown considerably. First of all I finished
Coundown to Christmas that I was given for Christmas by my friend Découpe. You'll wonder why such a gift in advance but was not random because it is the countdown to Christmas .... so I started work dungeon!

pwer But late last night I gave myself to produce a nice and simple country style christmas but I'm afraid I can not post the photo pòerchè yesterday evening I was dead tired, but will have no fear, calm ....
are a bit elusive, but spend more calmly ...

Baci Baci will

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sister In Law Jealous Baby

Hi, good night indeed ...
is a lot that do not step on you and do not write that but it is too, too late and I can do.
I promise that tomorrow will post something new, I really have too many things to tell you: this w-end has really paid off and then I can not wait to post what I have done because they are really cute ....
not say anything else I leave a little suspense until tomorrow, ok? Good night

Monday, November 24, 2008

Do You Sprint Better In New Or Old Shoes

I'M HERE ....

not run is that I have a lot of time and then I can not reconcile everything, things I accumulate so hopeless ...
But my country and Christmas production proceed even if a little slow, but pretty soon you will see that things, for the time being and therefore not under costruction posdso Polstar: patient, girls!!
Meanwhile the production of Merybi gattoso swap is going on and I think my Abina like it because a lot of fun despite myself, I think I did something useful and cute at the same time.
I'd like to sign up for another swap but it does not seem to find so if anyone knows of any swap troppo impegnativo, lanci un fischio, ok?
Bacissimi Sara

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where Can I Buy Chocolate Conching Machine


Salve a tutte è un po' che non giro tra di voi e sono successe troppe cose.
La bravissima e carinissima Merybi mi ha assegnato ben due premi...peccato che non li ho postati prima ma ultimamente ho sempre meno tempo ma, per voi questo ed altro ma veniamo a noi...
Questo è il primo premio ma ci sono delle regole ben precise:

Le regole sono le seguenti:
1)Accettare e pubblicare l'immagine del premio e far rispettare le regole;
2)Pubblicare il nome del blog e della persona che ti ha premiato;
3)Scegliere 10 blog da premiare;
4) Pubblicare i nomi dei blogs con i links dei 10 rewarded;
5) alerting them on their blogs;
6) Write a motivation for the award. From
dearest I received this award:

This is an award that recognizes the values \u200b\u200bthat each blogger shows each day in his commitment to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal. In short, it shows his creativity in everything we fa.Regole:
1) accept and display the image of the award and enforce the rules;
2) Link the blog you are rewarded;
3) Press another 15 blogs and warn them of the prize.

Here are the lucky ...

http:/ / / /

http:// /

Then, the motivation for these awards are: Award the following bloggerine, because they make me full of joy and give me so much joy and thanks to them that I keep up this blog ... Thank you Thank you!
I wanted to reward them all ... but I was limited to n 15 and then I made a choice ... that hard work!

the prox

basitos Sara

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mother's Birthday Cakes

Good evening to all ...

how many things have happened this weekend, too ... I did not really happen nai

begin with Friday night. I arrived home and not on the bed I found a fat envelope, but a box full of many beautiful little things cicciosissima for swap announced by mere gattoso be.

This box contained a small box shaped like a cat's head in with a lot of nice touches and useful paper with cats and then the thing just left me a bocca aperta è stata la targhetta a forna di gatto dipinta dalla bravissima Maura ( ). Ah, dimenticavo, un bellissimo biglietto in cui parla del suo bellissimo gattone che deve essere molto dolce come lei....GRAZIE MAURA SEI STATA DAVERO MOLTO BRAVA....grazie grazie.

Sabato invece un'intera giornata dedicata al corso di country per imparare le lumeggiature a secco, ben due proggetti (ma questo solo per me, di solito non lo fa mai!!!) mamma mia che faticaccia ma quanto mi piace, non mi staccherei un'attimo e tutte le volte che arriva domenica sera non vedo l'ora che sia già Saturday to dedicate the country.

why I want to thank two people: Valeria because they never ceased to encourage me to learn this new technique to me and said, "you'll see evidence that you will like it a lot" and, Chiara , my Découpe, for teaching me this technique very well and always so cheerful and patient ... thanks girls
And then today ... day devoted to paint what he gave me the adecoupista me for Christmas: the countdown to crhistmas only that there are some things to finish and then ... no pictures for now but will not fail.
I think that I will continue with the country, it relaxes me a lot and then, little things come out very nice ... I'm about to leave the paper and scissors.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Real Poptropica Accounts


Hello to all ...
last night coming home I saw a note stuck to the door of my house. I was too curious to know what it was but it was too late to do anything and so the curiosity ia m but remained much already guess what it is because my swap Abina TEOS me he had already announced that it would send a bit of delay, but tomorrow the first thing I do is run the post office because then I will have a busy day with the second course of country and then being Saturday afternoon at the post office are closed, so .... I'll have to run and do not forget why the curiosity to open the usta b cicciosa is so much!!
A few hours later and ..... surprise, wow! Kisses to all

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Does Any One Own A Shadow Pikachu

ragassuole Hello,
I never liked it being a country like this!

think the course is very long four classes of three hours each but I have reduced to two lessons to be doing that morning pomeriggio.Un nice bunch but I like a lot and I can not wait to be learned Saturday pe Highlight the technique of dry.
I liked it so much that I finally just bought the card with sagomine and I started a painting by one and all in all, the result was beautiful.
I regret a little that he waited so long but costicchia a bit, and then for reasons of force majeure I had to wait a while but eventually I did and I'm too happy.

Look how wonderful this building is not too good?

Basitos Sara

Friday, November 7, 2008

Lara Bars - Pre Or Post Workout?


good evening most thrilling ...
and finally start tomorrow in this beautiful course, wow!!!!!!!
non vedevo l'ora, per vari motivi l'ho posticipato nel tempo m ora è giunta l'ora di mettersi all'opera e per non perdere tempo la mia amica decupista mi ha detto di iniziare a dare il fondo gesso sul supporto di legno, che bello.

Sono un po emozionata perchè mi sa di una cosa molto complicata ma vedendo i bei lavoretti che fa Valeria P. di mycountryworld devo p
roprio farlo.
Ora vado a dare il fondo gesso poi vi racconterò domani...
Baci a tutti 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Soundproof Tents With Air


finalmente posso postare la foto dello swap teoso che ho inviato a Lucia (la trovate newll'elenco dei miei blog preferiti).
Sono contenta che le sia piaciuto anche percè nella busta cicciona c'erano tante cose utilissime e carine...
La foto non è delle migliori anche perchè è stata scattata in ufficio dove l'unica base di appoggio sono le nostre mitiche sedie rosse.

Sono proprio felice, spero di inviarle altre cosine perchè mi ha fatto molto piacere che abbia apprezzato....
Guardate la quyantità di roba della busta cicciosa che ricevuto: ho faticato a farcela stare, davvero, sembrava la borsa di merry poppins, ma non vedevo l'ora che la ricevesse e non immagino la faccia bcontenta che ha fatto quando l'ha aperta...
Tanti baci


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Drain Unblockers Pump


l'ora è tarda eforse è anche passato il gg del suo comple ma voglio lo stesso fare gli auguri ad una persona speciale nel suo modo di essere: Valeria di mycountryworld che ha compiuto ben 27 anni...

le dedico una bella immagine con una bellissima frase che rispecchia un po la nostra amicizia e vorrei che la postasse percvhè a mio parere è bella davvero....

A kiss Sara

Chlorophyll Supplement Color


Hello to all you who are a bit absent from this blog but I have a lot of time and also because of the lack of internet in the office .... sgrunt !!!!!!!
raining outside and I will take forward work to natalwe that are not that many but I got put in time, at least for now.
It 's a week that I sent my swap to my Abina TEOS and has not yet had a trace of anything, there must also be said that the stakes are not what is happening there .... hopefully good reliability, is the My first swap and I would not go astray also because we would stay too bad .... On the contrary notwithstanding
update the blog of the trip, although very slowly, il counter non gira molto e mi piacerebbe che qualcuno andasse un po a leggere perchè a mio parere sono cose molto belle e si imparano tante cose nuove, quindi....andate numerosi!!!!!!!!
ci si sente alla prox, vado a fare un giro per i vostri bellissimi blog.
N.B.: il counter gira ben bene tra un po anche per me 100 visite,wow


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Car Auctions In Fredericton ,nb


visto che il counter gira a gonfie vele ho decisdo di regalarvi una bella foto inerente al momento in cui siamo: halloween.

E' una festa pagana che io non ho maui festeggiato perchè non ci sono mai ma che mi piacerebbe almeno una volta farlo con un sacco di amici.
Non so se a voi piace come festa ma ci terrei che la foto venisse postata sul blog di ciacuna di voi un po per ricordare il momento in cui siamo e, un po come ringraziamento per tutte voi che passate di qui e vi soffermate davanti ai miei lavori...grazie siete proprio carine!!!!!!!!!!

Alla prox


Glowworm Ultimate Boiler 50bf


e così anche io ho spedito la mia prima busta cicciona per lo swap IT'S THEA TIME organizzato da Valeria P.
l'ho spedito da poco quindi deve ancora arrivare e così non posso postare le foto, ma presto lo farò
Spero solo che alla mia abbinata tutto questo piaccia coome è piaciuto a me e poi, è una this is useful ... Be patient
girls for pictures, soon, I hope, will reach
Basini Sara

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Consumer Reportssteam Mops


devote little time to blog, but despite all the wonderful things to me are assigned ...
Today I wandered a little hop and found a beautiful prize allotted by Valeria
Just did not expect it, and when I saw it I was very happy and ... already when one does not expect one thing is always so .... happy.

This is an award that recognizes the values \u200b\u200bthat all blogghine demonstrate daily in their commitment to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal. In short, it shows his creativity in everything he does.
1) accept and display the image of the award and enforce the rules
2) Link the blog you are rewarded
3) Press and 15 other blogs warn premium
and now who should I assign? But we see a little bit ...

And now dear blogghine retire, it's really nice! !

Sara Bacic

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Difference Between Ingrown Hairs And Herpes

I finally

Good evening, I finally finished the
commisionatammi wonderful bottle from my mother-in-law.
I say finally because I gave it to me months and I dragged me for several reasons but the work of the race before going to the birthday of the beautiful Viky that took 2 years, I baked my work.

you will see from the photo I used the craklè finishing with bitumen to make it a little antiquated but as usual problems arose because I used to be the second step and the product was sticky and the surface of the bottle was transparent but not brown thing c
he was not to be but I Tentet the fate and went on well and hoping the end result was excellent and I would say the work I like it very much I would say one of the most beautiful among the last.
And not to mention the paper is that which gave the best touch: the case of rice paper, decorated and pulled by hand and applied to form a sort of spiral.
the end it was much appreciated and I am so happy I'm sorry to avergliela very present, but in the end it was she who commissioned this work and then ... I could not keep her a pity I liked so much !!!!!!!
Look how beautiful.

Friday, October 17, 2008

How Doimakeveggiepizza


blogghine Hello,
that mean? Time is so fast that I can not keep his pace.
There are many things I would do but I can not own, is a period like that.
deentro Outside the sun is shining but it is not like me but I try to fight ...
many projects I have in mind, of course, to write an article about ancient Crete and the large enrollment of Gortyn, do lots of good jobs for home, ending the second swap in which I enrolled, and what I want but then I tirp back because they are too tough and challenging, to specialize in Aegean prehistory and early history at the Italian Archaeological School Athens. this is a dream for years but mature, that I never put into practice because in many ways is a way too hard and demanding and then I wonder, in the end we will be working?
Now I greet you and soon will post some new chore hand made.
A kiss to all

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Certain Pendulum Clock That Works Per-


I have a headache but I want to write these few lines before uscfire office.
I'm not that active and creative as you ... but the good thing is if you write when one feels good about himself and is and is free from all thoughts in my writing because it relaxes a lot ...
But now I want to send something special to the lovely Sasha.
A SEA cards for his birthday hoping to celebrate the best and receive a mountain of presents ...

Happy birthay

Basitos Sasa

Monday, October 6, 2008

Funny Will You Be My Bridesmaid Wording

Christmas is coming ... GET MEDALLIONS

Good evening girls,
not know about you but in order to avoid the experience that has been repeated time remembering when I decide to give handmade items, I decided to start with laaaaaargo advance.
the company of my boyfriend every year for Christmas gifts are exchanged and so he asked me if I could do something a little original thinking to the balls.
the end seemed a bit the same old and then I thought of something a bit different as are the medallions on which I have applied country-style paper.

are simple and fast but very nice and close as a pack are not bad and are very good, quid I think I'll make some to put on a variety of packages ...

place here the photo of two of a long series of medallions, so if you want to steal the idea go ahead.
B. night

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Kidney Cyst Fast


Turning between blogs and precisely to have found this beautiful poem and I wanted to post it because I liked it a lot

I learned ... that nobody is perfect. Until you fall in love.
I learned ... that life is hard ... but I more!
I learned ... that opportunities are never lost. Those who let go of you ... someone else takes them.
I learned ... Serbian resentment and bitterness that when happiness is somewhere else.
I learned ... that one should always use good words ... because tomorrow maybe you should stay.
I learned ... che un sorriso è un modo economico per migliorare il tuo aspetto.
Ho imparato... che non posso scegliere come mi sento... ma posso sempre farci qualcosa.
Ho imparato... che quando tuo figlio appena nato tiene il tuo dito nel suo piccolo pugno...
ti ha agganciato per la vita.
Ho imparato... che tutti vogliono vivere in cima alla montagna.... ma tutta la felicità e la crescita avvengono mentre la scali.
Ho imparato.... che bisogna godersi il viaggio e non pensare solo alla meta.
Ho imparato... che è meglio dare consigli solo in due circostanze... quando sono richiesti e quando ne dipende la vita.
Ho imparato... che meno tempo spreco... più cose faccio.
E' la settimana dell' amicizia...
Buona giornata.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Much Would A Retaining Wall Cost


through various blog hon read this post on to me and Tha sermbrava duty to post it too!
There is a person who is struggling against an evil incurabile.Questa girl called Maddy, and is admitted to her friend Gabriella ospedale.La now runs a blog to be updated and be able to raise our encouragement and read them whenever Maddy who goes to visit her ... A heartbreaking story ... a life story ... Maddy has created a blog "Live to tell " and now through this blog that Gabry is a bridge between you and us, reading our words, our encouragement .. try to be close, how do we know blogghine when someone throws out an SOS! if I have to tell you all I was moved by reading it and I also said that we lamentiamko for the little things in life when there are people who are worse off than us and so .... HELP Maddy